General Inquiries
UDB Tower
Plot No. 22, Hannington Rd,
P.O.Box 7210, Kampala, Uganda.
+256 312 355 500
Gulu Office
Plot 67, Lower Churchill Drive
Uganda Development Bank Ltd (UDB) is a non-deposit-taking Development Finance Institution (DFI). We provide innovative financial and non-financial solutions to projects that are identified as having a significant, positive socio-economic impact in alignment with the Government of Uganda’s development agenda as provided in the current National Development Plan III.
It is capitalized by its shareholder, the Government of Uganda and augmented by various development partners and agencies.
UDB is fully government-owned, represented in its shareholding by the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and the Minister of State for Privatization and investment.
UDB finances projects in the following sections;
We have a wide range of products and services to both financial and non-financial including;
Financial Products
To cater for the underserved sections of the population, UDB recently launched products specifically tailored for women, SMEs, and the youth to include;
Non-Financial Products are aimed at preparing enterprises to be credit ready ensuring their sustainability.
UDB is a Development Finance Institution therefore a Policy Bank that is used by the government to address specific market gaps in the financial system. The current policy direction through UDB is to reduce the cost of credit to the private sector to spur private sector growth, provide long term financing, provide financing to key economic sectors that are perceived risky by commercial banks and provide financing to start-ups that may not be funded by commercial banks.
No, UDB and commercial banks do complement each other in different ways including;
No, UBD is a wholesale Financial Institution and does not provide retail banking services.
For any inquiry, complaint or suggestion, you may contact us directly through the following channels;
Call: 256 414 355 550 /256 312 355 500
For more information:
UDB Tower
Plot No. 22, Hannington Rd,
P.O.Box 7210, Kampala, Uganda.
+256 312 355 500