General Inquiries
UDB Tower
Plot No. 22, Hannington Rd,
P.O.Box 7210, Kampala, Uganda.
+256 312 355 500
Gulu Office
Plot 67, Lower Churchill Drive
Public funding alone is not enough to tackle the world’s most pressing sustainable development challenges –from ending poverty and hunger by 2030 to reducing inequalities and protecting the health and well-being of people and the planet. Private investments that generate social or environmental benefits alongside returns can help fill that investment gap, which in developing countries stands at around USD 2.5 trillion.
AgrInvest, a blended finance initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), uses public funding to attract sustainable private investments in the agrifood sector. More productive, resilient and inclusive agrifood systems will help reduce poverty, hunger and malnutrition, create decent jobs, especially for women and young people, and ensure greater environmental sustainability.
Agriculture is often deemed too risky for financing because of its dependence on weather and seasonal change. AgrInvest focuses on key value chains in a country to help de-risk lending and improve the agricultural investment environment by using the latest assessment and financial analysis tools, digital solutions and policy dialogue.
AgrInvest leverages on FAO’s technical and investment expertise and existing partnerships, global networks and South-South partnerships, including with national finance institutions.
Agriculture accounts for nearly a quarter of Uganda’s GDP and employs two-thirds of the country’s labour force. But Uganda’s agriculture sector lags behind others in attracting investment. With support from the FAO Investment Centre and the European Union Delegation in Uganda, the Uganda Development Bank (UDB) is expanding its agricultural lending portfolio to offer innovative products and services to its clients.
AgrInvest in Uganda seeks to build lasting capacities to leverage responsible investments that transform agrifood systems. And it seeks to increase investment opportunities, including for smaller family farmers – the majority of Uganda’s farmers – who largely fall outside of formal agribusiness value chains.
AgrInvest’s main public sector investment partner is the UDB. The Bank is financed by the Government of Uganda and other development partners. The UDB supports projects that are expected to have significant socio-economic benefits for Uganda. The UDB seeks to become a leading business partner for agriculture and food-related businesses, helping borrowers grow their businesses and take advantage of low-cost digital technologies.
The FAO Investment Centre, with more than 150 staff and operations in over 100 countries, will support the Bank through a combination of technical and policy expertise, knowledge sharing, innovation and capacity development. Since 1964, the Centre has assisted countries in making more and better investments in food and agriculture. To date, it has helped leverage investments valued at nearly USD 140 billion. Find out more
UDB Tower
Plot No. 22, Hannington Rd,
P.O.Box 7210, Kampala, Uganda.
+256 312 355 500